'Hey K Stars! Welcome to my travel vlog where we go to the Cardi B x Fashion Nova Launch party in Hollywood California. It was such a great experience and I really wanted to share with you guys! I really hope that you enjoyed the video. Love you and have a great day! Also be sure to subscribe to my main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxV7g86R_SHYr7WLC2I3YCw ------------------------------- CONNECT WITH ME ▹ INSTAGRAM ‣ https://www.instagram.com/kristynalexis TWITTER ‣ https://twitter.com/kristynalexis SNAPCHAT ‣ https://www.snapchat.com/add/KristynAlexis FACEBOOK ‣ https://www.facebook.com/Youtubekristynalexis/ ------------------------------- ▹ FILMED & EDITED BY KRISTYN _____________________________________ EDITING ▹ ‣Final Cut Pro X Camera ▹ ‣Canon EOS 70D - http://amzn.to/2FHxX2p ‣Canonl G7x Vlog Camera - http://amzn.to/2Dd2sfa All recommended YouTube gear: https://amzn.to/2EhZnzj ------------------------------- PO BOX ▹ 754, Warsaw IN 46581-0754 For all inquiries please email me at: [email protected] ------------------------------- FTC ‣ This video is not sponsored. #KristynAlexis #VLOG'
Tags: vlog , fashion nova , launch party , KRISTYN ALEXIS , Kristynalexis , Fashion Nova Cardi B Launch Party , Cardi B Launch , Cardi B Launch Party , Kristyn Alexis Vlogs
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